Today is Day #1. I got on the scale for a first time in a long time and almost died from the shock and horror of my weight. I am within a few pounds of my all time high. I really have to commit to making a life change or I'm going to just keeping ballooning up and up. At what point would I say enough is enough? I have to draw the line in the sand now, today and say NO MORE to this madness.
About 12 years ago, I followed a weight loss plan called PRISM and lost 72 pounds. I felt and looked fantastic! It focused on the spiritual and emotional aspects of self-esteem and overeating and I had a tremendous support group at my church and they really held me accountable and I lost the weight. Then, after 10 years of infertility (I'm sure because of my weight) I got pregnant! We were thrilled! However, I had never made it to the maintenance phase, so after the birth of my daughter, I gained back all the weight, plus some. Sigh. So here I am again, determined to not just diet, but make a real life change and look at food and exercise in a new way and finally take control of my life back from food addiction!
So, knowing that PRISM worked for me, and knowing that one of the two most effective tools on PRISM is a daily food journal (every bite, every sip, recorded) and counting calories and staying 1200 or below, I want to implement those aspects into my current plan. I also had some success on South Beach Diet a year ago, losing 20 pounds in the first month. I also like the heart-healthy aspects of South Beach, so I'm going to follow South Beach and also write out a daily food journal as well as count calories, being sure to stay 1200 or under.
Here's what I ate today. I did really well and stayed right on track!
2 eggs cups (just baked eggs, no meat or cheese) 70 calories each= 150
2 TB salsa= 10
Coffee w/ art. sweetener and 4T FF 1/2 & 1/2= 70
Breakfast total calories= 220
Mid-morning snack
1/2 c. low fat cottage cheese= 100
1 hard boiled egg= 70
1 cup saute zucchini in 1/2 T olive oil= 40
Total lunch calories= 110
Afternoon snack
skim cheese stick= 70
6 oz baked breast of chicken= 300
4 TB low fat/low sugar ranch dressing= 120
Skim cheese stick= 70
2 cups lettuce= 20
mushrooms raw 3.5 oz= 15
Dinner total calories= 525
30 pistachios- 150
I didn't exercise this first day, but I am starting Zumba tomorrow. I had to just get through this first day and get myself focused and organized. I'm planning on exercising in the morning so that I don't procrastinate and end up working out right before bed.
So far, so good!
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