Monday, October 17, 2011

Things I've Never Done

I was inspired by Mama Kat's Pretty Much World Famous Writer's Workshop for this post.

Thanks Mama Kat!

I'm 42 years old.

And I've never:

1) Pierced my nose or belly button.

2) Been to Paris.

3) Cheated on my husband.

4) Jumped out a perfectly good airplane for fun.

5) Swam with sharks.

6) Eaten cow tongue.

7) Asked for a famous person's autograph.

8) Been on vacation with my father.

9) Spent more than $100.00 on a pair of shoes.

10) Had plastic surgery.

11) Dated anyone from work.

12) Learned to play cribbage.

13) Vacationed in Hawaii.

14) Owned an I-Pod.

15) Attended a Bar mitzvah.

16) Watched a play on Broadway.

17) Surfed in the ocean.

18) Run a marathon.

19) Been in a movie.

20) Flown in a blimp.

21) Written a book.


  1. Hey, feel free to come by my synagogue just about any Saturday morning, and we'll knock number 15 off your list.

  2. You haven't missed anything by not eating cow tongues. Grosser than liver I think!
