Thursday, September 15, 2011

40 Pounds Gone!

I had a great time at my family reunion! My sister and I got along well, mainly because we both chose to act like the last 2 years never happened. I guess we both figured for the comfort of the other people at the reunion, it wasn't the appropriate time or place to have a major hashing out of our relationship. I was relieved.

Everyone noticed my weight loss and seemed happy for me. My mom and one of my sisters were so inspired by my weight loss they want to join Prism, too. I did really well sticking to plan and resisting temptation and believe me, it was no easy feat. Our family loves to eat. Our bonding and socializing has always been centered around food and lots of it. But, I am determined. I have made up my mind this time. I didn't cheat. Not one bite. The key for me was to have on-hand the food I know I can have. I was really prepared with all my favorite foods and so I never really felt deprived. Granted the birthday cake and cheese cake were tempting, but my weight loss keeps me motivated. It really is true: nothing feels as good as thin feels!

When I got back from the trip, I really wanted to make sure I had stayed on track so I weighed myself. I've lost 40 pounds so far! I'm beyond thrilled! I think I actually lost a couple of pounds on vacation! 40 pounds in 8 weeks is a dream come true and I finally feel I'm well on my way to reaching my goal.

I just finished reading 'Made to Crave" and I highly recommend it to any woman who has struggled with her weight for a significant part of her life. It really provides some helpful insight into the spiritual hunger most overweight people struggle with.

I also started the Couch to 5K Running Program yesterday and to my amazement, I could actually jog again! I used to run 7 miles everyday and loved it. But, that was about 20 years ago and as the weight went up, the jogging went down and then I eventually hated exercise altogether. I avoided it like the plague. But yesterday, something amazing happened. As I was jogging, I had that feeling again. It's a feeling which is very hard to put into words, but I'll try: I felt FREE. Now I know what you're thinking, no way would I feel FREE jogging anywhere, anytime, but hear me out. There is something amazing that happens when you do something you didn't think you could do. Your mind and body are responding to the special treatment and that feeling is their wonderful way of saying "thank you". If you hated exercise as much as I did (and sometime still do), I hope you'll try it again. You might surprise yourself with what you can do!

I will never be this weight again!


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