I had a wonderful and joyous moment this week. I had an important meeting to attend at a fancy hotel and so I had to get really dressed up. Here's the wonderful and joyous part: all my pants were too big for me! Yahoo! I went to put on my favorite pair of black slacks and they hung on me like I was wearing clothes that belonged to someone else. I felt like when I was a little girl and I would dress up in my mother's clothes and they would swim on me. It was, in a word... glorious.
I had this same experience one time before when I was on Prism and lost 72 pounds. I put on a pair of workout pants and they literally fell off me. As I gained the weight back, I looked back at that moment as a treasured memory of success. I remembered the feeling and wished and hoped and prayed I would someday have that moment again. I had that moment again yesterday. I almost cried. I guess it means so much to me because it is a visual, kinetic, sensory experience that proves to my brain and heart and mind that yes, I can and AM doing this. I am losing weight. My body is responding to the good choices I'm making. There is hope of getting to my right weight. Hope is a precious thing that needs to be nurtured and guarded. I don't want to ever lose hope and I think experiences like this, while minor in the grand scheme of life, are of major importance to those of us who have struggled so desperately with food addiction. They are milestones. They need to be celebrated, savored and remembered.
If you are a visitor, thanks for stopping by. I'm really glad you're here. If you are on a weight loss journey of your own, I wish you all the best. I know the pain of being overweight and I wouldn't wish that pain upon anyone. I hope you find a program that works for you. I hope you find inspiration from this blog and other wonderful blogs out there in the bloggy world. I hope you get to the point where your favorite pants don't fit you anymore. I pray you never lose hope.
My favorite pants are too big! Yahoo! I'll never be this weight again.
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