Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Cheated.... But It Was For Science!

I cheated on my program...kinda. I'm only supposed to weigh-in every six weeks and if you've read any of my past posts, you know I'm a "scale-junkie" and have to fight the urge to weigh myself daily. I've been doing well in this area, I really have, but I just HAD to get on the scale today. But, I had a good reason, I really did! It was for Scientific purposes!

I watched the documentary Forks over Knives and man, it was powerful! There are A LOT of medical studies out there and conflicting health information, but this film is based on well documented studies done over long periods of time. If you haven't seen it, let me sum it up for you: It is healthier to eat more fruits and vegetables than animal fat and animal protein. Now, I'm not a vegan or a hippie or any other label you might associate with eating a plant-based diet, but on some level, doesn't it make sense that eating fresh, whole foods is better for you? Anyway, I thought I would try it for awhile and see how I felt. I was hitting a plateau doing what I was doing anyway, so I thought I would switch it up a little. So, since Monday I've been eating more of a plant based diet, heavy on veggies and fruit and a little less meat and dairy. For the first time, I felt like I had the energy to exercise and did the Couch to 5K workout yesterday and I've noticed my digestion seems much better. Well, when I got up this morning I could tell I had lost some weight. I was curious how just a few days of eating this way might have affected my weight loss. So, in the interest of Science, I jumped on the scale...... ( drum roll please)......

I've lost 7 pounds since Monday.

What???? I was shocked and got back on the scale 3 times just to make sure. Wow!

Now, I'm a firm believer we each have to find what works for us on this weight-loss journey we're on and I'm not here to convince you of ANYTHING.  I'm just sharing my experience and if you can take anything from it, great, if not, that's fine too. But, I do think our bodies are smart, and when we hit a plateau, maybe the key is to change things up a bit, either in our diet or exercise routine (or both), to keep our bodies guessing. I'm not a doctor, but this is what is working for me at the moment.

I think I've managed to move past this plateau and that's exciting! I'll never be this weight again!

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