Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A New Day, A New Perspective

I woke this morning with a new perspective. The past few days have been dark. But, when I woke up this morning, I felt better. I'm still scared about the changes ahead for our family, but I'm choosing to trust God that He has me in His hands and He loves us, and He will give me the strength to do whatever I need to do.

As I watched my husband with our girls this morning, the way he loves them and the way they adore him, I was reminded my husband is truly a good man. He may have been a little lost himself, working in positions that weren't a good fit for him, but he has tried to find his place. He was meant to be a teacher and everyone who knows him, knows that he should be one. He is amazing with kids. He has taught our children with a natural ease that true teachers possess. But, he never wanted to burden our family with going back to school. So, he kept trying to find his place in other jobs, with little success. Teaching is his calling and at nearly 50 years old, he feels if he doesn't do this now, he'll miss his calling for the rest of his life. That would be a loss, not only for all the kids that he could help and positively affect, but how awful would it be to know you were meant to do something and then never be able to do it?

When I married my husband, I vowed to stay with him in sickness and in health, in richer and in poorer. I vowed to be in it for the long haul. I vowed to be in it for the tough times. I vowed to be in it for the times when I don't feel like being in it. I vowed to be in it forever. Through 20 years we have survived many challenges together. He is a good man that has tried to be something he is not, for the sake of not burdening our family. Can't I support him as he reaches for his true calling and way to better support our family? Yes, a million times yes.

My husband is a good man. He has saved me in more ways than I can explain. He is gentle and kind. He is generous. He is supportive of me in every way. He loves me for who I am. He is an incredible father. He makes me laugh... everyday. He has been my soul mate and best friend for over 20 years. He's not perfect, but then neither am I. No one is. But, he loves us and is trying his best.

I can't ask for more than that.
"Love is the effort and desire to make someone else everything they were created to be."

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